Hello ladies and gentlemen. I present to you our brand new series, Building A Social Network in Wix | The Non-Coding Founder's Guide to success.
So let's start by identifying what a social network is. So a social network, is a website where people can come to socialize. This is the basic understanding, but more in depth than that is building communities, creating profiles, uploading pictures, posting statuses. That is what a social network is on a basic level, on a basic premise.
Some of the most popular examples of social networks today are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat. These five in particular that I just polled off are the most popular, they are various forms of social networks. They each have their own little twist and twang to it. But in this series, I'm bringing you the Wix version of building a social network without any coding.
The first question is, who is this series for? To start it's for the non-coding founders or co-founders. A lot of you out there watching these videos are entrepreneurs, founders, co-founders, presidents, CEOs, you own some portion or you are the owner of a business looking to build a website for your startup, or maybe redesign a website for your existing business.
But a lot of you out there, either don't know code or don't like to code, because I'm with you. I'm the same way. I'm personally not a huge fan of coding. So I'm showing you this entire series of building a social network in Wix without having to code, or at least a very very minimal amount with very few lines per section.
The next person this series is for, is someone interested in building a website similar to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. And most importantly, someone wanting to expand their knowledge of Wix Code. So this series was originally drawn up in my head to give you extreme value in Wix Code, because I know how popular this has been and how much you guys and gals have suggested tutorials in the Wix Code department.
So after we learn who this series is about the question is, what is the series about? Here a few highlights of snapshots that you're going to see in this series. You're going to learn how to create member profile pages, an actual in depth video of this, creating login pages, again an actual in depth video of this, giving users the ability to upload, edit, or remove information on posts they create. So what I mean by that, is I'm going to teach you how users can post statuses, post pictures, and also delete, edit and change that content at the same time.
We're going to work with repeaters and dynamic pages. I'm going to show you how to build feed pages. And then most importantly an awesome new one that I'm going to bring to you in this series, is peer-to-peer messaging. So what I mean by that, is the popular PM me or DM me, direct messaging. And I'm going to show you how to implement that into Wix.
This is what the highlights are going to be in this series. Now when is this series going to take place? Well it starts right here with this introduction video, and it's going to be done in multiple parts. I'm going to take as many parts as I think I'm going to need to teach it to you in the most efficient, but yet quality filled manner, and it's going to be uploaded at a goal of once a week. So every week you're going to see a new video for Building A Social Network in Wix, The Non-Coding Founder's or Co-Founder's Guide.
Once we determine when we're going to get our series, the question is where will this series be hosted? Well like always, I'm going to host it right here on YouTube. This is a pretty basic one. You just got to check back each week, make sure you're subscribed, make sure you turn that notification bell on if you haven't so you get notified when I release a new video.
And finally, why this series? Why out of all the options of building this type of website, that type of website, and this type of website, do I chose building a social network in Wix? Well after listening to you guys, the audience, my viewers, my community, I realized this was a major need. I've collectively been researching the comments you're posting and seeing how they all correlate. And they all correlate in a way to where building a social network seems to fill a lot of tutorial needs.
So like I said, profile pages, login pages, direct messaging, social feeds, repeaters, dynamic pages, these are all super super popular requests. So there's that. The other most important reason, is it incorporates so many Wix Code lessons into one series.
You guys are searching for Wix Code content. You're wanting to find answers, and this series takes that content and gives you a full in depth scope on a lot of different Wix Code lessons.
And finally, if you can research and you can watch this series through and through, it really does give you the power to build any type of website you would like in Wix, which is where the true power of this series comes into play because you advance your Wix Code knowledge to a new level, to a point where if you know how to build a social network you can take your existing website, or your startup company website, and you can build whatever you would like to build in Wix.
This is the who, what, when, where and why of this series. I hope you guys are excited. Alongside this series, I just went ahead and launched the Wix Training Academy. If you would like to learn more about this and follow along, here's what's included. You get an extensive library of courses, workshops and webinars. You get member-only products, apps, and deals, a 12 step Wix website roadmap, a monthly mastermind/Q&A livestream with myself where you get the opportunity to ask me questions, and most importantly an action driven community of like minded founders like yourself.
You can check this out at wixtrainingacademy.com, but in the mean time I hope you go give that a peak but stay here on YouTube. Subscribe. Turn on that notification bell, and keep tuned in with the channel.
Guys and gals, I hope you're excited about this new How To Build A Social Network in Wix series. This is for you. I've been listening. I'm here for you. Let's do this together.
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