How To Add A reCAPTCHA To Your Website Forms on Wix | Website Tutorial
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How To Add A reCAPTCHA To Your Website Forms on Wix | Website Tutorial

What's going on Wix Nation MPS here from Wix Training Academy. And today I'm going to show you how to avoid getting spam on your website forms. No one here, like spam. Are you with me? So let's go ahead and dive in.

Now, before we do, let me first say thank you very much for heading over to this video today and trusting me with this content. What I would like is if you're brand new here, make sure you click that subscribe button and turn those bell notifications on so you don't miss any content over here at Wix Training Academy, if you're not new and you still haven't clicked subscribe, go ahead and do that. Why? Because I like when you guys subscribe and we're a community and I think it's fun and you never miss any awesome content.

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How To Add A reCAPTCHA To Your Website Forms on Wix

So I'm going to show you how to do this via Corvid. So Corvid is the previously known Wix Code. And so once you've already built your custom input form in Corvid, which if you haven't already checked out how to do that, I'll throw a card up above. You can go watch the video on how to create a custom user input form. What you'll do is you'll go over here to add, and you'll scroll down to user input. In order for you to have access to this user input section, first and foremost, you need to hover over Dev Mode and you have to make sure your Corvid tools are turned on. You can see this as exit Corvid minor, already turned on yours would say you know, open Corvid and then you would turn it on. And then you'll be able to go over here to add user input. And then you'll see a section here called Recapture.

All you're going to do is you're just going to simply click that and you'll add it under your form, and you'll add it right above your submit button that you've already created. Again, if you haven't already watched my video on how to create custom user input forms in Corvid go check it out and you'd simply go ahead and put it above your submit form. They'll have to check this I'm not a robot. And then they could go ahead and submit the form. This will significantly cut down on the spam you receive through your contact forms, lead forms, whatever that may be on your website.


So if this was helpful, do me a favor, drop a like down below. If you've got any questions, I'm here to help you out, make sure you comment, and then don't forget to subscribe guys. It is so amazing when you guys hit that subscribe button and join this community. I'm looking to build this up to 50,000 subscribers here within the next couple of months and I mean two to three months. So I need your help to get there. Can you help me? Can you help make this community even bigger, even better, even brighter?

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Other than that, this is MPS. I'm getting ready to sign off and I know I'll see you over on my Wix Training Academy because it's free Wix training content who wouldn't want that? Right? All right, guys, I'll catch you on my next video. Thanks for tuning in.

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