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Writer's pictureMichael Strauch (MPS)

How To Build A Video Sharing Website in Wix | Corvid by Tutorial

Are you looking to build a video sharing website on Wix, similar to YouTube or Vimeo, if that's you, this is a perfect starting ground to learn how to upload that video into a Wix database and share it with everybody on your social media or video sharing website.

Before diving into this tutorial, I'd like to start with a story about when I first started using Wix over eight years ago, I'm really wanted to be able to build a video sharing websites, similar to YouTube and Vimeo. So that way I can share my content with other people on the platform and they can share their content. The problem is I never had the tools or resources available to me from Wix. That was when the platform was still very new, even back in the flash days before a Corvid or Wix Code was even a thought.

Due to that, I wasn't able to accomplish it back then, but Wix has changed that they've changed the game entirely. In fact, if you didn't hear the announcement yet, Editor X, my video announcement that Wix just released is out, and they also have the Corvid tool development suite as well, which allow you to build an excellent website, just like a video sharing website that we're going to do in today's video. And I'm going to show you exactly how a user can upload their video to the platform to share it out with an audience. And it's going to be an exciting video. So let's jump in.

Before we do make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn those bell notifications on, and you'll instantly join 33,000 plus like-minded individuals looking to grow their presence and their business online with the Wix platform.

The year is 2020, just like my vision. So I'm protecting it with these blue light glasses. As we actually dive into the tutorial, onscreen and develop on a computer, which obviously displays that blue light.

How To Build A Video Sharing Website in Wix

So something to know right off the bat is if you're building this style website, you're typically building it with some type of member capacity. So if you're only allowing people that have registered to upload videos on the platform and view videos on the platform, you need to create a custom member, registration and log in process.

In order to do that, you can follow my tutorial. I'll throw the card right above this video, and you can follow exactly how to build that process. In this video, I'm going to show you how to actually build the database that will allow people to upload that video into so that others can view it.

So once we're in our blank template here, first things first as always, we have to go to Dev Mode up here in the menu and we have to turn on mode. This will activate our Corvid tools and we connect that guy out and it'll open all of the tools right here. Once we go ahead and open Dev Mode, I'm going to close the little tree on the side and show you a nifty new feature shortcut that Wix added, which is this Content Manager on the bottom left. You can see those data icons that you would typically see when you connect the data. You'll click that. And we're going to go ahead and create a new database for the video submissions.

We're going to create new collections and we're going to press start creating. And we are going to start from scratch. And we are going to name this database, video uploads. You can name it, whatever you'd like. It doesn't matter. This is for you internally to understand what that database is and what it does. And then as far as what's this collection for, if you guys have watched my videos before, I like to go to this custom use section, because this will allow us to actually set custom permissions for the database, which is what we're going to do here. So we're going to click custom use and set custom permissions.

Custom Use Section

Now this portion of the project is important. This is where you decide, who sees what in your database and who can upload into this database. So you can see first and foremost, who can read content from this collection in this case, this means who will be able to actually watch the videos that are uploaded into this collection. If we want it to be a site member, we can have it be a site member. Maybe you just want anyone and everyone kind of like YouTube to be able to watch the content. Now it's a different thing if they want to comment, if they want to upload, they have to register for an account. So I'm just going to put anyone for this.

However, who can create content from this collection. I'm going to change this to site member who can update content from the collection, I'm going to choose site member author, which means the person that originally uploaded that piece of content has the ability to update the content. And I'm also going to choose site member author for the delete portion.

So which means the person that originally updated that piece of content has the ability to delete that video as well. And then we're going to set and create collection.

Database Fields

Once that's done, we're going to wait for Wix to work its magic and create the database. And then we've got it here. Now, as far as what fields you want to include in this database, that's completely up to you and what you're displaying on the dynamic page. So after we create this database, we're going to need to create a dynamic page for the video to actually be viewed. If you want in your database, you can create a name field. If you want it for the title of the video, you can create a description field. If you want to show a description of the video, you can, you're going to have to create a video field.

So that way we can display the video. And so those are the ones I'm going to put for this particularly, however, just know that you can add as many or as little fields as you want. They just have to correspond on your dynamic page and I'll show you how to do that in a moment.

So when we get in here, we see this preloaded title field. This can't be deleted. This is a Wix standard. Just let it be. Or you can use it to actually create your title field if you want. I'm personally not a big fan of it. I just like to create my own fields. I feel like I have more control, more customization, so weird psychological thing. I just like to do it myself. So I'm going to go ahead and create an add a new field and I'm going to name it, "Video Title" and the field type for this is going to be text because it's going to be the name of the video title.

So I'm going to click texts. I'm going to click add the next field. I'm going to add is video description. And this is also going to be text. However, if you wanted, you can make this rich text, which means people will be able to kind of modify the text in the description. They can make it bold. They can change the fonts. They can add links. They can do that type of stuff within the description. If that's something you want to give your creators, the ability to do, I would go with rich text rather than standard text. So I'll go rich text and this as well. And I'll click Add.

Then the last field I'm going to add here is video URL this is the most important point you're going to hear in this video. Why am I titling it video URL? It's because right now natively, you can upload video into the Wix database, but it can only be 15 megabytes and it only works on a strip. So we're not going to utilize that methodology quite yet. We don't have the ability too. However, if you recall what I mentioned at the beginning of this video, we're going to use YouTube or Vimeo as a backend. So what we're going to do is we're going to have to, or your content creators are going to have to upload their video onto YouTube, either as public and let it be displayed on YouTube as well as your video sharing site, or just upload it as unlisted or private on YouTube. And they need to use that URL, take that video URL. And that's what they're going to put here to upload their video.

So if there's any confusion around that concept, as we go through this, and I show you the finished product, just comment down below and let me know, I'll try to help you out.

The field type for this is going to be URL. You'll notice there's a field type video at the bottom. That is not what we're using right now, because as I mentioned, it's only a 15 megabyte limit and it only works in strips currently, Wix is working on updating this and updating the storage size as well. So we're going to click URL and we are going to click Add. We now have the three fields that we are using, particularly for this video.

Creating A Dynamic Page

So now that we've got that created and we have our database, I'm going to X out the database and it's going to take me back to the content manager. Now I'm going to create a dynamic page where this data will actually be displayed. So I'm going to hover over video uploads on the content manager, click the three dots and quickly add a dynamic page.

Now for this, you can choose how you want the data to be displayed. You can either have it be one single video on each dynamic page, or you can choose to have a category page. In which case we will use repeaters to display the data rather than one particular piece of data. On one page for the this video, we are going to use a category page and pretend that all of the videos are feeding to one main feed, and we're going to click next. And we are going to choose the URL and we are just going to set it to video uploads. And then we are also going to add a field and we'll add the video title as an extension of the URL. So if someone wanted to go to backslash video uploads, backslash whatever the title is, they can do that and access that video directly. So we'll create the page for that.

We're going to create the page and we can now see our dynamic pages created, which is basically nothing. It's just a blank page in here. So now what we have to do is we have to add the elements that are going to be displayed. So there's a video title, there's a video description and there is an actual physical video itself.

So what we're going to do is we're going to come in here to Add, we're going to go to text and we're just going to pull one of the headings here. And then this is going to be, we are displaying this on one whole feed. So what we're going to do is we're going to go into Add and we are going to go down to Lists & Grids. We need to get a repeater. So that way we can display all of that video, all of the data from the database in one whole column, a, we are going to just go ahead and choose this piece of repeater right here. And then we can drag our repeater in. And then we are simply going to do some designing of the repeater. I'm going to speed this portion up while I design it, and then come back to you as soon as it's designed.

Adding The Video Portion

So you can see that I've designed it for the most part. I changed the fonts. I changed some of the colors and now what we need to do is we are going, and I wanted to highlight in on this portion, we are going to go to Add, and we are going to add the video portion. When you're adding a video, this way, what you're going to do is you're going to choose just this video upload portion right here. And you're going to click this from the single video playlist. And then we're just going to drag our video in here and we'll throw it right there.

Now, what we need to do is since we've got our actual repeater designed, we need to connect each of these items to the database. How we're going to do that is we're first going to hover over this text. This is going to be the title field. We're going to click this connect to data icon. We're going to connect it first to the dataset, which is video uploads. And then this text will connect to video title. So now we are connecting everything to the database from the dataset.

Next we've got video. So we are going to connect to data. This is going to connect to the video uploads dataset, the video source important here, not the video title, but the video source connects to video URL. So essentially what's going to happen is the database is going to take that URL and feed it into this video player. So that way it'll actually display the video from the source URL and it's coming from that URL. And then we've got our description down here and we are going to connect to data. And this is going to connect to video description.

Uploading Data Into The Database

Now we've got everything connected from the database. However, what we need to do is we need to give the creators an opportunity to actually upload the data into the database. So essentially what we're going to do now is something very similar, but we're just going to go. We're going to go to menus and pages. We'll go to site menu. We'll just make this a static page. And we are going to add a page. We'll just name it, "Video Upload". So just like we did with the dynamic page, how we took those pieces of data and connected it to the database.

Now we have to allow custom user inputs. So people could submit data to the database. And first things, first, we are going to go to our content manager and we're going to go to add content elements. And we are going to add a form dataset because people are uploading data.

Anytime you're uploading data, it is formed dataset. We are going to double click it. We are going to connect it to video uploads database, and we want this to be write-only. And then what we're going to do is we're going to go to Add, and we're going to go down to user input, and we're just going to pick the field that we want. You can pick any one you want, and we are going to come in here and this is going to be for the video title.

So if we change the setting, share placeholder texts will be video title. And then we want the type to be text. And then we got that one. And then I'm going to copy this and paste it. And then this will be video URL. So we're going to change the settings on this. Instead of video title, it will be video URL and it will be a required field. And then we've got that.

Lastly, we're going to come back to add custom user input, and we are going to look for the rich text box. So this is so that people can manipulate how that description looks. And we've got our rich text box here and we are going to choose the settings and we're going to do enter a video description, and this is going to be required as well. And now we've got that.

Now, what we need to do is we need to connect each of these text fields to the database in order to do that, we're going to click the connect to data button, value connects to video title. Since this is going to be where people upload their video title to. Video URL connects to data value, connects to video URL, and then we've got our rich text and this is our description value connects to video description.

Now we've got everything connected. We have to add a submit button. Otherwise people aren't going to be able to submit that data anywhere. So we're simply going to go to add, we are going to go to button and we are just going to select a button here and we are going to title it,

"Submit Video". And you can even choose an icon, stuff like that, which is kind of cool. And then we are going to connect to data and click action connects to submit. We want this to be submitted because it's submitting data to the database.

And then here's the cool part when successful. So when that data is submitted, we want to navigate to, and we want it to go to that video uploads page. So that way you can see the video upload that you just uploaded, which is kind of cool. So we'll connect that to that dynamic page. And now we've got everything ready to go, ready to rock and roll.

So to walk you through that process, I'm now going to go to the homepage and just add a link to that video upload page. So that way we can access it during testing. So I'm literally just going to throw a button here for the purpose of going to that video upload. And this will link to the video upload page. So now I'm going to save this, publish it, and we're going to test it.

Walkthrough Process

All right. So to walk you through a process, essentially what's going to happen is your creator is going to go to this video upload page right here. They are then going to enter their data. So I will just say how to add HTML to your Wix website. And then I'm going to get my video URL. I've already got it right here. If you haven't checked out my new video, go check it out. I'll throw it in a card in the cards above.

Now, we're going to go back here because remember they are either uploading on Vimeo or YouTube and you are taking the URL and then they are able to upload it on your platform as well. So I'm going to enter that video URL there, and then I'm just going to enter a description. This is how to, and then I'll use bullets add HTML to Wix, and then we are going to hit submit video. And then you can see the video has been submitted to the database. The data was submitted, and it redirected us back to that page we just designed with the repeater and you can see the title was added. The correct video was added, and you can see it's a YouTube video because the link was taken from YouTube and used as the source to upload that content. And then you can see the description with the bullet point was added.

Now, is it designed pretty right now? No, but we focused on the functionality development side of this. And just like that you have created a way for your users or content creators to take data from, or take a video from a platform preexisting, such as YouTube or Vimeo and upload it onto your platform. Kind of as a secondary video sharing platform.


I hope this video really helped you out and I hope you go utilize it. Please comment down below and let me know how you're going to go utilize it. I'm excited to hear. And I'm excited for you to start putting this into play.

There you have it. You've now been equipped with the tools and resources to allow a user on your website, to upload their video into the Wix database, using YouTube or Vimeo as a backend, and sharing it with the people on your video sharing website or their particular community. And we'll dive deeper into building groups, building communities and separate videos, but you have now been equipped with the ability to upload the videos, which is super exciting. And I hope you enjoyed it.

If you did drop a like right down below comment and let me know what type of website you're building, and if this video helped you out. And lastly, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and you'll instantly plug into 33,000 plus like-minded entrepreneurs looking to grow their business online. Thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one.

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